Vajayjay Leno

I was screaming about this. IF MICHAEL IS THE ANGEL YOU CANNOT USE MICHAEL TO SET A TRAP FOR THE ANGEL. JESUS CHRIST. Michael storming up to Leland and demanding that “if this whole thing is to capture me, I need to know everything” is INSANE. It is the exact opposite of what is true!

Also a whole movie where it turns out he has a brother he never mentioned to anyone.

So here’s the thing about time crystals: they’re real. They were theorized in 2012 and observed in 2017. When Harry Mudd used one in the first season, it was actually subtly really good sci-fi without explaining it- time crystals are structures that repeat over time as well as space. So by applying unobtainium to it,

The actress who plays Lt. Nilssen, Airiam’s replacement on the bridge, also played Airiam in the first season. So that's weird.

I’ve been a huge booster of this show. I’ve maintained that the first season was the strongest start for any Trek since TOS and I’m still convinced I’m right. I’ve said that everything about the aesthetics and cast is perfect and wonderful and makes this look and feel like the best Trek has ever been and I still

I would’ve cast Richard Bachman but whatever.

They don’t really compete that much. They tend to give each other a pretty wide berth to maximize profit. A lot of the Marvel vs. DC stuff really is just a perpetual internet argument that the studios themselves don’t really care about as long as they get some cash.

The whole Henry Cavill thing definitely didn’t have

Yeah, a recurring problem in the MCU. Liv Tyler, Natalie Portman, Rachel McAdams, even Gwyneth Paltrow really...

Partially is that the people who were doing that *coughPortmancough* bowed out already. The people still on board are absolutely on board.

My stance has always been that int he real world, Tony was right. It would absolutely be completely unacceptable to have a paramilitary organization hopping all over the world imposing their ideas of heroism with no oversight, wantonly disregarding both national and international laws.

But in the context of the MCU,

Which was absolutely the correct decision. Because in the end, it is all personal. Tony’s ‘ideological’ stance is just a desire to pass the buck on all of the shit he’s caused and get to say he was following orders. Steve’s ‘ideological’ stance is a growing paranoia that no one else can be trusted to make the right

Actually, it’s even a thing in the MCU. In Agent Carter, Howard Stark is trying to break into the movie business by making a movie based on a comic book: Kid Colt, one of the first comic books Marvel (then Timely) Comics published. When Peggy criticizes what a dumb idea making movies based on comics is Stark responds

That’s actually a subtle thing in Watchmen! The comic books of the day aren’t about superheroes, they’re all stuff like Tales of the Black Freighter, because superheroes are something that people have to deal with and generally don’t like.

I suspect the de-aging thing is both technically more complicated but easier to execute seamlessly than epic CGI spectacle. Look at deepfakes type stuff- it’s perfect possible to remap someone’s face onto another person’s with a high degree of realism on a normal PC. It works a lot better when the two people kind of

Rotten Tomatoes can help instead of Google. They’re the minority and none of them are like “This movie is a disaster!” but there are a fair few. The positive reviews trend toward the “Eh. It’s good enough. It’s another perfectly fun, watchable Marvel movie- nothing too special, nothing really bad.”

I mean, the review says upfront that Brie Larson was well cast: “Not that Larson doesn’t bring confidence and chutzpah to her underwritten role. (Spot-on casting has always been one of Marvel’s strong points.)“ 

The MCU canonically exists in the Arrowverse. It’s a vicious circle. It goes round and round.

Not to mention: there was actual real journalism here. They went and talked to the dude! That’s what journalism is! Find a story, get more of it!

That said, my dream villain for the next round is actually Norman Obsorn and the Dark Avengers.

I’d be eager to see how they handle Galactus, actually- the real Galactus. It’s not something they can set up a big punch until dead action scene for, and at this point, I have maybe too much faith that they’d do something more interesting than getting the ultimate macguffinfier and threatening him with it until he