Vajayjay Leno

Recycled TNG episodes but with sex jokes. It’s not bad, but it ain’t good.

It was also a big part of DS9. Hell, by the seventh season it turned out Sisko’s mom was actually an alien from the future who came back to give birth to him so that he could become the messiah and fight space Satan. It kind of fell apart there at the end, tbh.

The pilot’s name is Detmer and she was dang delight this episode.

NOPE! It is explicitly stated in the game! There’s a diary you can find:
April 10

RE3 wasn’t too bad. The conceit of Nemesis being a persistent, terrifying threat was pretty good and reasonably well executed.

Killing black people isn’t why it was considered racist, it was the fact that apparently black people becoming zombies means they revert to a caricature of a tribal state of literally chucking spears.

Yeah, it’s perfectly plausible that this season could be a stealth pilot season for Pike’s Enterprise.

Now HERES a good continuity complaint. It’s on my mind every single time we deal with Michael’s upbringing. The best I can give unless they actually intend on engaging with it is that Sybok had already been banished from Vulcan by the time Michael was adopted.

I would dearly love them to acknowledge that Spock’s full

To be fair to Return of the Jedi, it takes place 4 years after the battle of Yavin and the Rebels had been smashed hard at the Battles of Scarif and Hoth. I imagine there’s a lot of room to move up in that hierarchy, especially if you actually have your own ship.

I really recommend people watch the TNG documentary Chaos on the Bridge to get a sense about how viciously hated TNG was when it started.

Voyager is still bad though.

Or, y’know, Whoopi Goldberg. Not actually having watched Star Trek seems to be the running theme of people complaining about how this show is not Star Trek.

O’Brien is enlisted. And,

Gonna disagree. Writing only about indie, artsy flicks is as boring as only writing about every Transformers movie. A biweekly column going through the history of romantic comedies is actually really interesting and unique, tracing the evolution and highs and lows of a genre that’s generally portrayed these days as

I think they ease up on it quite a bit, TBH. These big, bombastic action scenes are still the exception, even in the war-heavy first season. Like, looking at the episode list for last season, I count 3, maybe 4 episodes that heavily feature that sort of thing- nearly the entire mirror universe arc had no action

Glossed over that brutal fortune cookie reminder of Pike’s eventual fate. The captains of the Discovery are going to be Trek’s version of Defense Against the Dark Arts professors. 

I really love Enterprise’s fourth season and thought it did a good job pulling Enterprise in a logical direction that leads to TOS while still very much being about humanity’s first real entrance, diplomatically and militarily, into the galactic stage. There were a lot of TOS references, yeah, but they were largely

Anson Mount sold me on his Pike basically immediately. Really weird reading this review saying he’s basically Lorca when he is emphatically not Lorca. Pike was more fun and more...Star Trek in one episode than Lorca managed in a full season- which isn’t a criticism because that was extremely the point of Lorca- but

Well known fact that Bryan Fuller sees himself as a chubby, awkward redhead and works to incorporate that character into all of his work.

These opinions all derive from people who were introduced to Trek via TNG and think every captain should be Picard and the solution to every problem is to discuss it in the ready room. Spock beat the hell out of Kirk and (mostly) killed him in Amok Time- pon farr was just an excuse to make that fight happen. Invoking

Absolutely on board with this opinion. I friggin’ love Lower Decks and have always wanted a Trek show to revolve around that. The upcoming animated series is going to, but it’s being played as a comedy which is kinda disappointing, but also I’m always game for more Trek.