Vajayjay Leno

Heynong Hitman

The Robbie Reyes Ghost Rider does exist in the MCU in Agents of SHIELD and they seem to be intentionally holding off on Johnny Blaze himself with only a brief allusion to him in the show in case they want to put him in movies.

Counterpoint: Age of Ultron

What like I’m supposed to read the things I comment on? Too much work.

Bane is definitely not perfectly comprehensible. I strained to understand his dialogue pretty often. It’s not Brad Pitt in Snatch levels of impossible to understand, but it’s not great and not clear. His accent makes him sound like Deckard Cain, though, and that’s hilarious.

His Infinity War costume is the same as his Civil War costume, but dark and worn out. I think that one is actually pretty emphatically the best one.

Hathaway is the absolute star of that movie, almost effortlessly. There’s a lot of great actors in it and all of them are stuck playing boring, muddled characters except for her.

I think the movies, individually, for the X-Men universe tend toward good or at least pleasantly watchable, but as a coherent “shared universe” it’s absolutely a mess. Like, that’s fine, if a movie is good, it’s good, it doesn’t need to have correct continuity with the movies around it but nothing makes sense when you

There’s no indication that Thanos getting the gauntlet at the end of AoU actually happens concurrently to AoU.

Can’t explain away the fake in Odin’s vault though.

That’s because Thanos wasn’t even part of the plan. Throwing him into Avengers as the man behind the curtain was Whedon’s idea, just for fun. There was absolutely no idea of how they were going to develop that going forward and clearly didn’t really start to approach an idea until Guardians at the earliest.

Universal monster movies. The originals, not the abysmal failure that was the Dark Universe. They were largely not great, extending characters well past their sell-by date in the name of making more money by putting them in the same room together, but there was a lot and eventually Abbott and Costello joined in too.


They should’ve just done a hologram of Billy Crystal.

*holds finger to ear*

Hold on, I’m getting word that...Billy Crystal is still alive? That can’t be right.

Disney: Now that we can use Spider-Man again, we’re going to make the best movie ever
Sony: Hold my beer

Legally being able to do something doesn’t make it not a dick move.

I’m on F&R’s side here, but it is still a little bit of a dick move. Stardock really did keep them in the loop on SC:O’s development and try to work with them in good faith without any intention of screwing them over and they actively decided to compete with Stardock’s product instead. They had every right to do so

I don’t think I can decide between keeping Prue or Paul but both is definitely too much. I find Prue to be unnecessarily cruel and snippy at times, like there was a moment last season where they had to make chocolate spheres to hide their cakes and Ruby had a hell of a time with it and Prue’s comment on her misshapen,

It sure is. Paramount/CBS probably would’ve had a great case if they had sued. And what would’ve been super dumb is if Accolade sued Paramount/CBS instead and began a long series of dumb legal disputes that would end up costing them millions of dollars while simultaneously acknowledging that they don’t own the

Actually, I just groked what you’re saying and misunderstood you, sorry. Yes, Stardock owns any original content in Star Control: Origins and F&R aren’t asserting they don’t. However, Brad Wardell is a dick and launched ST:O with Arilou DLC as a preorder bonus with full knowledge that these lawsuits are still pending.

Why shouldn’t it? If Ford & Reiche own the copyright to anything in Stardock’s game, they subsequently have the option to submit an infringement claim to Valve to prevent its sale via Steam. I don’t really see why the DMCA wouldn’t apply here.

That’s not how trademarks or copyrights work. That’s not how any of this works.