Vajayjay Leno

Oh, man. You’re right about how if it’s run on electric vehicles, there’s a lot less need to worry about gases. I wonder why every single other subway system in the entire world isn’t already using electric trains and still has to have ventilation in the event of fires or other air issues while stuck underground.

God forbid the multi-billion dollar company making money hand over fist by selling digital costumes to 12 year olds has to share a tiny percent of their profits with anyone else.

No it doesn’t. You own the copyright the moment you have a record of your artistic creation. Period. At any point in the future you can register that copyright for legal purposes if you choose to, but that registration is not the point at which you own the copyright, it’s merely the point that the legal system has ackn

Can you really not see how having a bunch of friends over to play Smash and being presented with only 8 characters and having to stop playing together every 10 minutes just to get a new one would be frustrating and not fun?

No, I’m with you. If all you’re doing is wanting to have fun and play with all the characters, I don’t fully understand why gating them behind an artificial barrier is necessary. There’s no meaningful gameplay reason why you can’t play as, say, Wario from the start, especially if you’re just playing with friends. How

As a copyrightable work, choreography is defined as a fixed series of physical movements that can be reproduced and described. Just because it has “a basis” in prior work is not enough to deny a copyright, unless that prior work is demonstrably the same dance. Courteney Cox, in the Dancing in the Dark video, explicitly

And I think there’s some grey area there even in the “work for hire” category: was choreography part of the terms of his work for the network? Possibly yes, but as he was hired as an actor and not a choreographer there might be some wiggle room there for him. The fact that the network owns the actual Fresh Prince

Depends on the contract. You signed away your copyright rights when you were hired, almost certainly. The terms of Ribiero’s contract may or may not include things created by him for the TV show. I don’t know!

Watch the Dancing in the Dark video and come back to tell me they’re doing the Carlton.

A dance move cannot be copyrighted. A choreographed performance can. The line where one ends and the other begins is fuzzy. 

Okay, but

You’ve been able to copyright a dance since 1979. And you can’t own the copyright unless there’s documented evidence of you doing it first. And everyone who says “HE STOLE IT FROM COURTNEY COX” has apparently never actually watched the video for Dancing in the Dark wherein she does not do the Carlton Dance, sh

Apparently just being a movie by Wes Anderson is enough around here. I love the dude’s movies by Isle of Dogs was not best of worthy.

This is why the rights to Daleks are not actually owned by the same people who own the rights to Doctor Who. Terry Nation created them and never signed over the rights to the BBC. Any appearance thereof is the product of an agreement between the Nation estate and the BBC.

As opposed to Epic, who is only making Fortnite for the love of the game.

This logic is, of course, why Disney owns no copyright to Frozen because it’s based on Hans Christian Anderson’s The Snow Queen.

God, I loved Dr. Wily no matter how bullshit it was. Having to fight 8 Robot Masters and then Dr. Mario is a brilliant implementation. They should’ve allowed for getting a heart container or something halfway through though.

I 100% completed this in four days and it was exhausting and I shouldn’t have done it because now I’m burned out on this game for the forseeable future


I really enjoyed it and the penultimate fight of the “true ending” was a brilliant move 20 years in the making. (The final boss, however, is a dang jerk and I’m not

I somehow beat James McCloud on my first try, no cheese. I have no idea how.

Once you get Celebi, though, nearly all of those fights become way easier unless you’re up against the clock, like Pauline.

Yeah, this is my whole thing here. I understand why it’s bigger and heavier, I do, and I get that we’re never getting the old Rangers back.

But that still doesn’t make me want to ever replace my ‘00 with one of these. It’s still a whole new, different truck.