Vajayjay Leno

I mean, I knew that. All puzzle games deserve a Lumines-style makeover because Lumines is one of the most perfect fusions of visuals, sound, and gameplay to ever exist.

Yeah, this is better than Weezer’s

Something that I think really demonstrates how much the MCU *gets* Cap is in Infinity War, when he tells Vision that he’s not allowed to sacrifice himself, they don’t trade a life for a life.

It’s completely the most hypocritical thing Steve has ever said- he became Captain America because of how selflessly he’s

I’ve increasingly been convinced that the Russos love these movies more than anyone else because of how good they’ve been on threading connective tissue in big and small ways. Tony beating the hell out of Steve at the end of Civil War, then Steve getting right back up with “I can do this all day” was a fucking moment.


Or Marvel didn’t want Strange used for non-MCU properties.

UH ACKTUALLY it’s Dieselpunk

I dunno. How silly would an Ant-Man movie be?

But also, it has a 73% on Rotten Tomatoes, which is good! And a 53% of Metacritic, which is...everyone who thought it was good doesn’t feel that strongly about how good it actually is.

Bumblebee is getting way better reviews, for reference

It’s the subtle racism of lowered expectations.

Racism against fish people, obvs.

Shut up and stop ruining my good Aquaman burn.

It’s not just marketing, it’s also the fact that the studio doesn’t actually get all of that money back, some of it has to go to the theaters, after all, and there’s even less they get back from foreign gross, which made up 66% of Justice League’s worldwide total.

Doctor Strange made more money than the first ever big screen team up of DC’s most famous and iconic characters, on less than half of the budget.

Agreed. Say what you will about how dumb and bad RPO is, Spielberg’s execution was at least fun enough to watch.

Like its hero, Aquaman is a DC copy of Marvel, but still has its charm.

Wreck-It Ralph and Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle.

I don’t care if they’re not about real video games, it’s all there is.

It’s fantastically racist! The DUI charges were 35 years ago, when she was a kid. Why even bring it up? Even her opponents didn’t bring it up! She’s the one who brought it up in the election just in the interest of transparency.

I’m not sure there was any possibility of a *good* Duke Nukem to begin with, so whatever. The best you can aim for is ridiculous.

The only two people to have lost their party nomination, then later actually become president are Reagan and HW Bush. And I’m not sure “Hillary lost in 2008 also” is a good argument considering how 2016 turned out.

Elongated Man on Flash is already better than Fantastic Four, on a CW budget. Seeing that is the first time I’ve thought “Hey, maybe they could do a decent Ms. Marvel movie.”