Vajayjay Leno

I will say it over and over:

The Brie Larson/Clash at Demonhead version of Black Sheep is better than Metric’s version and I hate that it wasn’t put on the soundtrack and I had to go find an MP3 someone stitched together from the movie + soundtrack version. It’s so fuckin’ good, you guys.

I think, in the comic, Scott is reasonably charismatic and attractive. I don’t think it’s too much of a stretch for Ramona to go “Yeah, sure, whatever.” to this dude pursuing her, especially because she doesn’t really know anyone else. She’s already left a string of failed romances behind her, each one haunting the

The fact that the Wii could play GCN games was, in retrospect, bananas. They had to build a disc drive that could accept and read both sizes of discs and straight up design the hardware around needing GameCube controllers and memory cards. I appreciated it, for sure, but that’s a ton of effort for...what? What’s the

I think the public opinion of Cruise has shifted back in his favor, TBH. He’s significantly toned down his role in being the public face of Scientology, he doesn’t have constant weird relationship things going on, and the Mission Impossible series just has so much goodwill behind it that people kind of forget about

He was a dude who showed up where he heard a REM video was being filmed so he could be in an REM video because he loved REM. Calling him a working actor here is a stretch.

Delete this before Alan Moore reads it

A complicated history with tighty whities.

Chef is such a good movie, tainted by the fact that Favreau decided he needed to make a movie where his own character has sex with both Scarlett Johansson and Sofia Vergara in the same movie (though, to his mild credit, Vergara is only 6 years younger than him.)

Also, their mom is a clone of The Doctor.

I don’t this that was a Joss invention, the original trailers seemed like the same Aquaman we eventually got.

Say what you want about the quality of Batman vs Superman, at least it has an ethos.

Andy Rooney all “I don’t know about Klingons these days. When I was a kid, a Klingon was a swarthy gentleman, a Russian you could think was actually Greek. You knew you couldn’t trust them when you saw one. These days they have all these ridges and growls and I don’t even know what I’m looking at anymore.”

I definitely had that thought watching the episode, but TGP did it better. Doctor Who just did it as a good silly handwavey joke, Good Place somehow did it even sillier but took it more seriously and its just a really well deployed joke and plot device.

It’s pretty cool how swiftly WB can make me roll my eyes at something that I had, up until now, been 100% on board with.

I have also been saying this! They had a ready-made charming well-liked protagonist who already had a built in reason to go on world-hopping adventures fighting monsters and instead they said “Wait wait wait...what if a mummy again but it turns out the love interest was also a secret mummy and they have an annoying

I own and played Civs 3-6 to death. Never once touched multiplayer.

This is the most bewilderingly left field casting since...the last time Lex Luthor was cast, I guess. Maybe Berlanti & Co. saw something different than Ducky in him? I’m gonna have a little bit of faith in this but weird.

I don’t think the comic is at all. The video game references and stuff are pretty incidental to the core of the plot itself: Scott Pilgrim is a shit dude who failed at becoming an adult because he’s self-absorbed and coasting by on life. Ramona Flowers is a complicated person who carries the baggage of past

Eh. Whether or not their TV offerings are particularly good (The Tick and Mrs. Maisel are more than enough for me, though) the other benefits of Prime are good enough and make it a better deal than the other streaming services