I think it’s a decent commentary that the one event in the book that is black and white, definitely heroic doesn’t involve violence at all.
I think it’s a decent commentary that the one event in the book that is black and white, definitely heroic doesn’t involve violence at all.
Yeah, this is my argument for V as well: The Wachoskis weren’t trying to make the same story because that story is very British and very much of the 80s. They were making a story about America in the 00s. There was no extant anarchist undercurrent in post-9/11 America, no nascent punk scene screaming at power- there…
Pleasantly surprised that it’s actually not awful. I’ve maintained the entire time that every single Disney Revival era movie has had shitty trailers that didn’t represent the movie well but I was still nervous about this one because of how aggressively bad it looked.
Nah, Colbert was never in UCB. The OG UCB crew was probably at iO while he was at Second City and Exit 57 was Amy Sedaris and Paul Dinello, who also came out of Second City.
That’s how Stan would’ve wanted it.
Not sarcasm, he would’ve been extremely cool with it.
Because they make a billion dollars not bothering to do that.
I mean, conceptually I’m not sure we needed a third movie, but in practice, it’s one of the very best third movies in any series ever. It’s extremely good. And from that perspective, it’s easy to make an argument for “Why not a fourth one?” but at some point this has to give and considering how beautifully conclusive…
They’ve probably pushed this too far, at last. They’ve done so well without any diminishing returns on this series but I don’t think it can keep it up. Toy Story 3 was such a masterful conclusion, why would anyone want more.
“Werewolf bar mitzvah
Spooky, scary
Boys becoming men
Men becoming wolves”
Those Muppets might fuck Khaleesi
Honey, I Yeet the Kids
It’s insane how good these are. You can literally pick one at random and it’s a perfect example of old school cartoon sensibilities modernized to be awesome.
Honestly, that would be pretty cool actually.
You joke, but the new Mickey Mouse shorts on YouTube are bonkers good. Like, cutting to the very core of what makes old school cartoons fun and appealing and totally reinvigorating these hell of ancient characters.
This is going to make Disney a gazillion dollars, I don’t think there’s any point in being dismissive of that fact. Whether or not that’s a good thing is what’s worth being critical about.
Man, no one considers Half-Blood Prince one of the best movies, get out of here with that nonsense.
I’m sorry, are you suggesting that a reference to an episode from 2015 of a podcast that only has like half a million listeners at best is *not* going to stand the test of time?
Next you’ll tell me those sweet Jerry Colonna references in old Looney Tunes episodes aren’t still hilarious.
I mean, Jay and Gloria is still a thing on Modern Family too.
He’s right about “three years” but only because the MCU’s output was not yet the constant barrage it is now. Three years is only 3 movies between Iron Man and the First Avenger. Now, three years of MCU movies is 9 friggin’ movies.