Vajayjay Leno

I can’t argue with that at all. I really, really love the book and the 60s movie, but I’m sure can get over that long enough to evaluate this show on its own merits instead of constantly saying how the previous incarnations are better.

They do this with every major Netflix/Amazon TV release my dude, because they want to get them all up for the binge watchers as fast as possible.

God, I hope they don’t. Miller’s Flash does not deserve a whole movie, unless the first five minutes are him breaking the universe and he is recast into a completely different actor.

But Elongated Man is also a detective! He’s like Batman and Plastic Man combined!

Plastic Man or Elongated Man would be great options. I still have no faith in the ability to make stretchy powers look good on screen though. Flash’s use of it last season was fine as long as you filed it under ”This is on a CW budget so give it a break.”

I don’t think Wright is right(HA) for this movie. He should be used on the Blue Beetle/Booster Gold movie that Berlanti can’t seem to get made or something.

This is the third time DC has picked up a director who left Marvel. I’ll give them about a 66% success rate on their previous picks (50% for Patty Jenkins, 16% for Joss) so this is already a better idea than anything else they’re putting forward.

I do think the second 12 season (Clara’s last) is actually one of the best seasons of Who. I had pretty much given up on the show but eventually watched it because of some sort of constant urge to finish things and was pleasantly surprised. It was really well done!

I guess that’s an opinion, sure.

The franchise leading man sends up on a parallel mission to the movie’s leading lady, who is seeking to get revenge on a serial rapist who controls all the water, and has a completely platonic relationship with her throughout the movie: Quantum of Solace or Fury Road?

The Broccolis have always been in charge of the Bond movies. It was Cubby Broccoli before Barbara.

I generally agree that there’s no good reason to gender swap James Bond without just making a whole new character and basing a new plot around her. A lot of Bond is rooted in toxic masculinity (portrayed either as a positive thing in earlier Bonds/the books or something that’s been more critically explored in recent

I really want to emphasize, though, that Kendra was played by Bianca Lawson who is A) Beyonce’s stepsister but B) played a teenager on Buffy in 1997. And then was still playing teenagers by 2013 on Pretty Little Liars. She is an actual literal vampire who does not age.

I think the latter. It was pretty smart and unique for its time and laid the groundwork for a lot of genre TV since. It’s a little dated and silly now and some of its gender politics which, for its time seemed brave, are fairly side-eyed but all in all, it wasn’t the worst.

It was, however, very white excepting

It just now registered to me that Tyler Hoechlin is actually older than Reeve was in the first Superman. That’s nuts.

I think Jeremy Renner has been fine with the thin amount of material he’s been given. A little smarmy and bored because he’s so utterly confident in his own abilities, but also the everyman who’s stuck palling around with literal gods. ScarJo, less so, but she shined pretty well in Winter Soldier. I think both

World of Cardboard is such a good Superman moment and I’m sad we’ve never had a big screen Superman where that would feel authentic. We either have the Donner/Singer Superman who is so unapologetically self-sacrificing that he would never go all out on someone or Snyder’s who would beat the shit out of anyone,

I think Man of Steel is generally *too* maligned by trying to make it line up with the rest of Snyder’s work. It’s not great, it made a lot of mistakes, but it has a decent core of Superman ideas.

I think Gustin’s Barry is basically the best Peter Parker that has been put on screen until Holland’s take. And Ezra Miller’s might be the worst. It is super frustrating how much they don’t want to do the comics Barry Allen though. I think John Wesley Shipp was actually a pretty decent attempt, when you try to get

I’ve always loved Superman’s personal drama not being that he’s ever vulnerable, but that everyone else is. That he lives by a code of honor that says he has to be a paragon of virtue and has the power to uphold it, but how can he truly save everyone, even those who don’t want to be saved? I think it’s something that