Vajayjay Leno

Brandon Routh has a ton of goofy charm and charisma and would’ve been such a good Superman in a better movie. I really don’t think there’s ever been a bad casting for Superman (that made it to screen, anyway), just bad movies that good actors have been cast into.

Counterpoint: Margot Kidder wasn’t even a great Lois Lane. Nothing against her acting or her at all, and I think she was good in the role she played, but like so many Loises Lane, she’s not really matching up to the character on the page to me. Which is fine, sometimes! I love The CW Flash even though that is

I actually see Shuri and an AI version of Tony Stark being the ones to usher in Ironheart w/ Riri Williams.

Wait, why not Treasure Planet? That sounds great. It totally deserves another shot.

I believe the logic here is “Auli’i Cravalho would make a great Nani, huh? We better get on that.”

Haha you guys really sock it to this Spiro Agnew guy. Does he work here or something?

The worst I’ve heard about Vince Gilligan is that when he was stuck on an island with a bunch of other people, he broke their radio made out of coconuts and they were stuck for longer.

Technically yes! He only played the first quarter, Cassel played the rest of the game, but since he was the starter, I say it counts.

The death didn’t play well and didn’t make a lot of sense in the comics. Because he didn’t die, he was magically sent backwards in time at the moment of his death and Superman was only holding a clone.

Historically, the Electoral College has actually never served the Democratic Party. They’ve lost the electoral vote and won the popular FIVE TIMES. To be sure, most of those times we’re talking about old school pre-Southern Strategy hella racist Dems, but it’s wild that it has only hurt one party in history.

It is a goddamn outrage that a handful of people found a bug in the 12 hours it existed and managed to get some extra kills in a game where that has no meaningful permanent consequences. I’M FURIOUS.

Weird choice to kill the only character who is, canonically, unkillable.

I actually really like Quantum Leap’s ending. It wasn’t ambiguous- Sam got control of his leaps and spent the rest of his life trying to help people, starting with Al, creating a paradox where the Leap project was never started, untethering him from causality.

“It’s a shame how this industry continually recycles characters as intellectual property for profit.”

“Also, buy my new comic book about someone else’s character created in 1897.”

So we’re not gonna talk about Tony Danza’s face?

It’s pretty good rock ‘n’ roll, uh......   music.

Also, just to be clear:

{Chapter 117, 18 U.S.C. 2422(b)} forbids the use of the United States Postal Service or other interstate or foreign means of communication, such as telephone calls or use of the internet, to persuade or entice a minor (defined as under 18 throughout the chapter) to be involved in a criminal

Yeah, there’s no one supporting you on this take.

I thought it was already known that Jude Law is Mar-Vell.