The Moon Rules

I have never thought that I look anything like a football player (too skinny), but several years ago when Mark Bulger played for the Rams, I had several people tell me I looked like him. A story came out in the news that guy was going around St. Louis pretending to be Mark Bulger trying to get free stuff and passing

Now playing

Don’t forget that things are always crazier in the minor leagues.

Hull’s hockey abilities have always just been a means to facilitate his drinking abilities. Kelly Chase told a story on the radio about show they were playing in LA and the Kings ties the game with about two minutes left. On the bench, Hull said “We are not f-ing going to overtime in LA.” because of his fondness for

The last Blues/Bruins overtime winning goal in the Cup final got a statue.  I hope it's not a trend.....maybe a fountain.

Do you get to pick what kind of noodle? I would wager that my good lady wife might enjoy a lasagna noodle. But I don’t want no rotini hanging between my legs like some kind of porcine peener.

Chuck Johnson is a former minor leaguer, eh?  I bet if his dad were famous he would have made the big leagues, and if his highschool football coach would have just put him in the game, they would have won state.

“I demand only the finest sauces for nitrate-packed assholes!”

I would much rather watch a terrible baseball team than a terrible football team. The worst baseball teams win games about twice a week. The worst football team did not win at all...all year.

I once hit a ball about 150-170 yards, it took one bounce and hit a goose square in the head. It started thrashing around and I thought that I was going to have to finish it off with my 9 iron. Luckily, it regained his composure by the time I walked up the fairway. It just stood in one spot, kind of swaying. I think

The problem with Amidala is that they already screwed up her continuity when she died right after giving birth despite Leia having memories of her as she described in Jedi. I am willing to buy into some wacky retcons, like Leia saw force projections or something, but it seems like better material for novels or comics.

You sir, are speaking the word of god! I am fighting a losing battle with pop music. Kids like stuff that they recognize and my wife listens to a station that only plays something like 6 songs on a continuous loop.

When I was in high school I worked at an Arby’s that was built over the remains of a dead Burger King....pretty much the same thing.

The bananas that people ate in 1889 are not shipped to America anymore.

I kind of hope that one of these teams goes to the White House and takes a knee during the photo op.

Have you ever seen two people laugh at an inside joke, and how they say it or maybe that they laughing makes you laugh, and suddenly they look at you and ask “What are you laughing at?”, And you reply, “I have no idea.”?

The idea of a home run king is stupid. Thee is no actual crown. You can use context to argue which home run total was most impressive.

Somewhere a young broadcast journalism student named Adolph Hitler hangs his head and gives up the dream of announcing football games and decides to opt for his backup career and open a delicatessen.

They should auction off the statues to some rich assholes with a lot of southern “pride” with the proceeds going toward reparations. Hell, if they want to keep them up, they could just pay a sufficiently steep federal fine going into the same reparations pool.

I agree with your point of the double standard, but Sosa did get caught with a corked bat for what it’s worth.

He just doesn’t want to tell people that he ate over 70 sandwiches in one sitting, that would make him sound like some kind of glutton.