
I think the problem with the whole news cycle is that there are some certain facts that (almost) all reasonable people agree on. Coronavirus is real, it infects many many people, it’s primarily harmless to most people but VERY serious to people in at-risk categories.

TIL Mark Jackson has a burner

Hey, look, a schooner!

A schooner is a sailboat, stupid head! 

It’s not a sailboat, it’s a schooner!

No true Scotsman would do such a thing.


This Hemholz effect may possibly be mitigated by the addition of a low pressure disturbance behind the window opening. I suggest a small dent in the passenger side rear bumper. 

I would absolutely pay to see a movie with just Bruce and Tony inventing stuff and shit talking for two hours.

I don’t think Millar means it’s about secret identities as in the plot device of keeping secret. He means we’re more engaged with them as people we get to know than the powers and identities they do heroism in. The MCU got its momentum from absolutely nailing Steve Rogers and Tony Stark and pulling off a miracle with

Just to counterpoint: you’ve inverted the problem. DC characters work when they’re played fully straight, with no attempts at “humanizing” them or giving them psychological layers. They were created to be popcorn, they work best as popcorn, and no matter how much A1 you pour on them, they’ll never be steak.

Fair, but Logan is an exception to the rule when compared to DC comics.

I’m honestly still upset Logan didn’t get a Best Picture nomination. That movie tore me open.

People want to go see movies where they can enjoy themselves and have a good time, not oddly color-graded deconstructions of heroism bogged down with unnecessary CGI.

Came here for this. Still disappointed.

(Also no day is a bad day if it starts with sex).

I feel like *I* should get a body double for when I don’t feel like showing up for shit.

This also. LOL. I always make this point about Punisher when people write articles like this. It is complete blind idealism to focus on Punisher and ignore all the other superheroes who go around killing just as much as him. Punishes cuts all the crap and pageantry. He gets straight to the point... kill the fuckers

My religion prescribed as an absolute sacred ritual ... drinking alcohol before, after and if need be during all meals and the intervals between them.