He supposedly diddled a 15 year old too when he was 19.
He supposedly diddled a 15 year old too when he was 19.
I’m white and these aren’t my people.
Did they announce when pre-orders start?
I’m willing to bet she/he have assistants managing the move to Encino for them. They probably aren’t lifting a well manicured finger. Sounds like a nightmare.
It might be because they’re painted.
I’m surprised Jezebel hates Game of Thrones.
I don’t know if you’ve made it to Berlin yet, but look out for Techno Viking.
If it were a Tesla there’d be a software update.
Software fix? Somebody forgot an If, Then, Else?
My local Wendy’s is advertising positions starting at $13.75/hour
The looting and burning of businesses certainly doesn’t help. Wish they’d stop that shit. All it does is bring out store owners with guns.
Let me preface this with I am a registered Democrat and will vote for Biden, although in my home state of NY we’re not worried.
The only awful behavior I can think of is MBB’s father demanding a $100,000 signing bonus from any agency wishing to sign her. He never got that. But they were broke at the time.
I really liked this trailer. She is very talented and has a bright future.
Geezus! We all know this shit is happening. Came here to stick my head in the sand and avoid the horrible news cycle for a while. So thanks you jackass.
Charlotte Awbery’s video (subway singer) may have been staged, but you can’t deny the talent.
A dead me.
We’re not allowed to enjoy these movies any more. So just stop it!