The snarky comments are fun and all, but this feels just like 2016 again.
The snarky comments are fun and all, but this feels just like 2016 again.
I think Don Jr. was just nervous.
My therapist wants me to try out “letting people have their things,” so I will keep my thoughts about The Office—or Garner’s prominent Dunder Mifflin wall art—to myself.
So your sympathy is conditional, depends on socioeconomics and race.
Doesn’t “one long endless wail for attention” transcend political parties?
This monkey works for Tesla.
“Bungles??! I thought you said Buggles!! Oh no!!” -Ford Marketing Exec
Holy Shit! That jump!
Some people have what I call “car blindness”. They can see the color of a car, but that’s about it. No other details register. My wife has this affliction. I consider it almost crippling.
Nope. Not unless they’re actors, directors, producers, who may get residuals.
Isn’t that par for the course in the entertainment industry, especially successful shows like these?
This made me guffaw.
Hey! Now I’m reacting to your reaction!
Who? What? Huh? Geezus, I feel old.
Steve is Kanye’s running mate for 2020 US Presidential election.
I know, right?