Joe Patroni
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It will die in the Senate. So it just doesn’t matter...

Pick a different letter Hyundai. Don’t use “N”.

Makes me think of all those people who got Alf tattoos in the late 80s.

India’s emissions continue to increase.

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I’ll have to sell my children for scientific experiments.

Medical Condition = Florida


At least it’s not your job to write about them.

It’s really hard to give a shit about Daniel Craig’s bond.

I tell my kids to dump our plastics in the recycle bin, NOT the ocean.  But they don’t listen.

Why wait for global warming?

It needs Tony Danza.

Was it the same flag, used over and over again?

Our criminal president has robbed us of so much mental space to just enjoy frivolous things, as Trump commits crimes with impunity on an almost daily basis.

The existing tax laws allow them to do this unfortunately.

You can find these creations on Etsy.  This one has smooshed tootsie rolls for eyes.

Will Party would have been a better name.

Yes the damage has been done. We will have to adapt, or die.

I find some warm milk and a bedtime story help my Laptop go to sleep.

Every sovereign nation controls its borders. We just do a crappy job of it.