Joe Patroni

I saw Jamie Lee Curtis at O’Hare once. She was wearing a big brimmed hat and scarf, probably to not be recognized.

It happens to brown women too. Here in upstate NY, an illegal immigrant woman was killed by her illegal immigrant boyfriend (who had already been deported twice).

It looks like he peed on himself.

Do the professional models make their own costumes?  Or are they tailored made for each?  

I thought baby aliens killed their hosts when they burst through the chest cavity?

Fast Food isn’t Good

My mom bought us Toughskins because we couldn’t afford Levis.

I’m a man and my best friend is a woman.  She is also my wife.  And we have sex.

The guy did some cool stuff with his fortune. Although he never got married.

Trump is actually proud of it, because he saved millions by buying a used Jet and having it refurbished versus buying new. He also doesn’t like his pilots to use reverse thrust when landing. He says it puts too much wear & tear on the plane. 

He’s the president and we’re not. And in 2020 he’ll win re-election, and we’ll have another 4 years of President Trump.

The problem is I’d order 3 more, cuz you can’t eat just one. You just can’t.

You can dress up your cats all you want.   Just leave the dogs alone.  They don’t deserve it.  

Someone forgot to vacuum behind the couches.  That’s my takeaway.

If it raises awareness about climate change, then I’m all for it. Even alarmist headlines.

Wilbur didn’t want food, he wanted love. He wanted a friend—someone who would play with him.

Looks like a part of Wookie anatomy.

Is Katy hurting financially?

Channing has a type.

Like it or not, Fox brings some balance.  The vast majority of the other networks are pro-Democrat.