
Nope you are full of shit.  Do better.

Wow, just wow.  “Idle elderly”?  Perhaps drop the Trumpist hate speech and use logic instead.

given that bernie is a misogynist asshole, i would hope at least 51% of warren’s supporters would switch to biden

you are missing the point, bernie “winning” means we all lose

who gives a fat flying fuck...we have a nazi retard as president and sanders is as unlikeable, unphotogenic and unelectable as they come...

I would rather someone else as anything that threatens white men is a risk for the general election, but she would otherwise make an excellent VP.

But she will not will the nom and she can’t win the election (misogyny is a thing).

It’s so obvious yet needs repeating every day, hour and minute.  A vote for Sanders is a vote for big oil, big tobacco, racism and a loss of women’s reproductive rights (along with anything else you might care about if you aren’t a wealthy white male).

It’s just so easy to debunk bullshit like “NAFTA is a Clinton idea”.

You forgot “bogus” before lawsuit.

These fools will never get it.  Strap in for four more years of fuckface trump.

I am an economist, and it actually isn’t bad for the economy (see the old days, when people never updated their cars, and the economy was shit).

Yeah, then we would celebrate every time an AV ran over an innocent person.

It’s the allowable by law thing that is being debated.

And funny since commercial aviation is actually easier to automate because you don’t have rapid interaction between planes (like you do car on car car on bike etc).

Also we didn’t have free speech or many other freedoms for that same 99.9% of our history.

Humans don’t get hacked (Trump supporters aside).

Actually Uber drivers are pretty far down the continuum between employee and contractor (on the contractor side).  The issue society is struggling with is how to process a shift from employee-->contractor across the gig economy.

Let me in a place with good taxi service, or just always drive yourself?

incorrect analysis...the thinking is long term but to get there you have to have a business and you have to grow out of being a niche player