
Missing the whole point, its not how smart the AI is, it is how it connects to the real world that matters.

Or between people and republicans.

Spoiler alert in America any psycho can buy a gun to kill you with. Republicans actually think this is a good thing.  #MAGA

We need to get away from viewing human value and viability through a lens of “jobs.” Most jobs at present are effectively consensual hallucinations, and confer nothing of value to society.  We need to pivot as a species away from pumping out new humans to take on menial tasks, and towards giving every human sufficient

This is not a flaw with viewing people as customers, it is a flaw with how many American companies view customers (as disposable commodities to be bilked and ignored).  Any business worth anything views customers as their most valuable asset (well neck and neck with their employees, but certainly as valuable as any

The shit doesn’t get flushed until the dipshits that voted for these assholes die of old age (they are too stupid and crazy to change).

Decent people?  Law abiding citizens?  Country music fans?  Pickup truck owners?  US Flag Shirt wearers?  National anthem standers?

I pray they don’t do their duty for him.  He doesn’t deserve ANYTHING.

Cops never admit mistakes or willful cruelty, that’s in the welcome to the force briefing.

oh god yes

Agree 1000%

This is why all guns should be banned period.

Fruitless exploration since no one alive or even alive for generations after would see the results.

I wish the Trumps would inject bleach.  This isn’t a musing or sarcasm.

Pro-gun people are not “pro bill of rights” they are jackbooted thugs that want to march anyone they don’t affiliate with into a gas chamber.

Agree 1000% and I am otherwise a big tesla fan.  It seems like any halfway decent college design major could do better, and for that matter at least half of the overal population.  It’s asstek levels of fugly.

The operational side of the pentagon hates trump, but the money side of the pentagon loves him because he is a stupid loser who can be convinced of anything with a little pre-fawning over the size of his _____ (you fill in the blank).

If he does, there will be an all out revolt/civil war.

There are many warnings about public transport, air travel etc.  If you want a table at any great Bay Area restaurant you can have your pick RN.

There is no left anymore.  Left means intelligent and logical versus the “right” which is retrograde and mindless.  Let’s try to choose intelligence and compassion over hatred and stupidity.