
Who said I have a problem engaging with conversations with people?

When has Waddlin’ Don ever apologized for anything? If he or any one of his flunkies wants respect then fine, behave like a civilized human being and earn it. SHS sold her soul to be Blubber-Rump’s sidekick and mouthpiece, being relentlessly mocked, scorned and despised is the price attached to that decision. If I

When you lay with dogs you get fleas - Trump fleas. Fuck SHS - she deserves it all for enabling the psychopath she shills for.

Wolf slayed these hacks. Let ‘em cry.

He spent hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars building this awesome machine, and all I can think after seeing that is “would another $3 for a pair of safety glasses have hurt?”

Dick-weasel hehe. Sorry, no judgement here, I’ve been married so long I can’t remember what recreational sex is.

A fucking murderer is not de facto a terrorist jesus fucking christ grow up.