
Fuck off Bernie.

this is why allowing the states to decriminalize traffic offenses was such a bad idea

Speed limits stopped being about safety a long time ago.  They exist first an foremost to generate additional revenue for insurance companies, and secondarily to generate revenue for the state.

I would hazard a guess that out of 100 random people inconvenienced by this protest, maybe 5 or fewer experienced any positive thoughts about the environment as a result, and the other 95 were thinking “fucking idiotic protesters.” How does this help again?

Only solutions are birth control and technology, and both take time.

When ANY movement decides to fuck with regular people’s lives as its main goal, it has officially jumped the shark.

Or maybe you shouldn’t just piss people off at your movement?

Or how about not fucking with people who can’t actually do anything about your problem?

Google UI team is like military intelligence.

It was literally chosen in order to make you want the call over as soon as possible.

“Please accept liability waiver to exit the vehicle.”

This same story repeats over dozens of circumstances (likely every freeway exit during stop and go etc).  Driverless will KILL commutes.

Tell us why?  Because being a “liberal” publication should cause magic money rain?

Most of our millionaires drive.

You forgot 59, you having a high IQ.

Yes please.

You mean the racists/misogynists voted for Trump because Obama/Hilary? How is that relevant to a discussion of why the series is going to hell?

it’s a “Lost” problem...imagine a cohesive world that makes sense (even if it sucks) and then progressively expose that world to the viewer...if you can’t do the first part, don’t bother with the second.

Of course not, science fiction requires that the speculative aspect of the story be tied strongly to “future tech.”

nothing but economics