
And why the fuck to cars need starters?  Hand cranks worked just fine!

Mechanical keys are bullshit.  Need keyless to migrate to smartphone or wallet card (like tesla).

Exactly.  We have been living the tail of the Obama recovery (hard fought after Bush did everything he could to destroy the economy) and now Trump has robbed the future President of two key tools to manage a recession, interest rate cuts and room to deficit spend.

The left???  LOL.  You think Wall Street is the Left?

The recovery didn’t fail.  Trump is doing his best to kill future growth by silly tax cuts and trade wars.

Hell Trump has raped his daughter, his ex-wife (at least one of them) and god knows how many underage girls with Epstein, so he might as well rape Greenland too.

Rules don’t apply to the police.

I really doubt anyone idiotic enough to want to look like that dipshit whore really needs to have any brain tissue removed.

I think it’s already a verb meaning something else awful.  Let’s call it to be Trumped.

Any by dodge, you mean “never be really investigated for”.

Who would be impressed in the slightest by a “former” hooker brought to America illegally who is our current Scumbag in Chief’s “trophy” wife.

Dollars, Euros, Pounds and Rubles.  

Not workable because cut-over lag is so problematic.  Driver assist should focus on alerting and intervening when a critical failure it detected, not on offloading tedious driving that can turn ugly very quickly.

Probably because when men do it, they usually are committing rape, not just pantsing (although KP is still a piece of shit for doing it).

Wow so many inaccuracies and logical fallacies in two sentences.  I hope you are not a voter.

LOL as though taxi medallions were ever fair.

They are losing money because they are subsidizing driver payouts to keep liquidity high during the market development phase of their life cycle.

Parasite requires involuntary injury to the host, which here would be VCs, but they can’t be hosts, as they are voluntarily funding the companies.

Correct.  If you contract with a programmer do provide you with code, you can pay them whatever you agree, say $100, even if they have to work 200 hours to produce said code.  That’s what a fucking contractor means.

And also throw in that uber/lyft still skew towards a younger customer base, which will mature and keep using the services.  As the olds die off, this means uber/lyft’s market share will naturally increase.