
Plant construction goes to equity, not expense.  There may be some stuff in there that is expense, but a lot would be capitalized.

Agreed but you are controlling speed and lane changes, once this is computer controlled you will see some very interesting pileups (as the AV’s react and stop and the idiot humans like me don’t).

Like all auto makers, they need to “own the driveway” so a sub-compact, compact, large sedan, SUV, wagon and cross-over (although you could argue about the sedan but there is still a market). Do it all on a common platform and every vehicle should be profitable.

We went to an independent used car lot when buying my wife’s car and they had about half their inventory in model S’s. I think the resale market will not be favorable due to battery/range degradation.

I want an EV but I am waiting for the next tech node (2x+ or faster recharge time, 2x+ total range, etc).  I think we are around 5-7 years out on this next node.

implementing full autonomy requires a total elimination of human controlled cars...or the less likely implementation of AV vehicle only roads, mixing human drivers and AV will be a disaster, usually due to human error but the uptick in accidents and fatalities will be significant.

And buyer resistance to cars that look dated a year or two after they are purchased.

Someone who lives near me has GOTMILF

Or maybe your “evil” scale just needs to be re-calibrated.

These lawsuits are completely routine.   Professional plaintiffs contract with counsel to bring these kind of suits in almost every IPO/merger/etc.

There are no studies about how 90% of what you ingest reacts with anything else.

Every day another story that makes me ashamed for my race, gender and age.

It’s not a job.

Word to the wiser, unskilled and uneducated people only make money if they can become president.

Lord Jones makes nice products but you pay for them.

This is supposed to be fucking america, let the market decide.

closer to an urus and it actually looks very nice...i could give a shit about the blazer

You aren’t in America where we have abused black people for centuries.

And yet Avenatti is still far less of a fraud and criminal than our current president.

you forgot the bacon and blue cheese