
Increase the heat and make sure patty is room temp before cooking.

they don’t earn wages and are free to do other things at any time...and uber doesn’t compete with public transportation in most cities at least in the US, as public transport is an unusable joke

Of course it’s not subsidized.  All the drivers paid the same taxes as any other car.

The deficit has been massively increased thanks to the GOP.  They are 100% full of shit.

I’d use a one iron.

Macan used pricing is also falling like crazy if you believe CarGurus.

And this is exploited by cyclists on the daily.  If you want equal rights as a car, follow the rules like a car.

we should be following the australian courts that disallow names like this that constitute child abuse

Liberals fundamentally agree with most of the right’s framing around society, its problems, and the correct approaches to dealing with them”

it’s not solely the fault of the republicans...anyone non-republican should understand the simple premise that we can only make progress as a society going forward if non-republicans control the the presidency and congress...if you think clinton, gore, etc were “just as bad” as any republican candidate, then i’m sorry

You are full of shit.  Capitulate to the right????  You mean compromise so actual shit gets done?

Unfortunately, as we saw in the last election, too many self-styled “true liberals” are only willing to vote when they get “their candidate.” As a country we are getting fucked by a combination of the evil monolithic GOP and the whiny baby infighting far left wing.

Thanks comrade.  Collect your 5 rubles for this post.

Most of the jobs performed today have no real meaning.  We need basic income and a change in world view (and a shit ton of birth control).

Waiting for politicians to build out public transportation?  They never ever will and if they do, it won’t solve *your* specific transportation need.

Taxis outside of NY and London are a shit-show. Regulate taxi services so they can’t be run as independent contractors and have at least one taxi company give a fuck about cleanliness of their vehicles and the sanity of their drivers.

They subsidize the drivers’ take. And the drivers don’t work for them.

God’s design???? WTF time-line are we even living in????

They don’t compete with cab companies on price, they compete on ride liquidity and not having shitty cab drivers and cabs themselves.

And yet people spend billions a year on uber rides and the market is still nowhere close to saturated.