
It only goes away if competitors retain subsidies.

must be your area...hundreds of ubers have been great for me (like 10x better than the average cab ride)

only the wealthy will own autonomous avs, us plebs will just use whatever av service we sign up for

not upside for automakers and could be a huge downside for rural inhabitants

How would you change it? Oh let me guess, you are named emperor?

Actually quite different, the dot-coms actually never had a plan to achieve a profit (didn’t happen until advertising spend caught up with the eyeballs).

If you have a growth profile on your bottom line like Lyft has on their top line, your math checks out.

That’s a misconception. The answer is a guaranteed income but this is an economy wide (hell global for that matter) issue.

I’d rather have a network of radar detectors that slowed you down automatically just when you are being zapped.

And hopefully there will be good hacks to overwrite all the read data.

Don’t worry, driverless cars will have long since clogged up every road.

Funny, when I was a kid we had a road rager trying to knock us off the side of a cliff and a lot of speeding kept us alive.

Spoiler alert - it won’t be done right.  Hackers are going to love this.

Taxis are shit in most of America.  This is napster versus the recording industry all over again.

So you want to eliminate the concept of independent contractors?  You must not ever use babysitters, gardeners, plumbers etc.

Massive overspending on defense should be the easiest target for savings, but watch the GOP bend us all over for the defense companies to rape us.

Uber loses money, period.  Do you not know this?  And they are a few years who the fuck would have been able to become “trapped” into being an Uber driver...this isn’t coal mining folks.

For god’s sake why?  The schools’ reputations have been massively tarnished by this, and they have every right (I would say obligation) to kick any student out that was admitted as the result of fraud (known by the student or not).

They should all be kicked out and any prior degrees should be revoked.  Also, remember there are hundreds of additional students that were part of the scheme, not just the ones with parents caught up in the FBI investigation.

So we ended up with the evil Cheeto as president.  Can’t wait for another 4 years of it.