
And property rules don’t apply.  Any school can kick a student out if they were admitted on false pretenses.

I’ll take before times 1000x...after looks like a Tesla Asstek

They’ve been going on since America was founded.

It is worse...Singer indicated 760ish total clients, but only 50ish came within the purview of the FBI investigation.  They need to publish Singer’s full historical client list.

Yeah reading that made me despair for our country.

Even better, every car company in the US is either non-union or actively attacking unions with everything they have.

All the kids should be kicked out, full stop.

Why can’t they be both?

The most interesting part of this to me is the reference to “institutional advancement” a/k/a “the backdoor” that is not even part of the scheme these guys were running

What do you mean?  Tax cuts are good for the pocketbooks of the rich...and what’s a neoliberal?

So if he fired a rifle in international waters and killed an American, oh well, can’t prosecute him?

He attacked and destabilized governments around the world as an agent of Russia.  He needs a bullet place in his brain.

None of these companies have sufficient market power to be considered anything close to monopolies, so no, there are no legal grounds to cause them to be broken up.

They have no anti-trust implications, this is clueless, cynical populism, just like Bernie.

For a host of reasons, this is a total fucking joke. are saying the US should not recognize local legislative acts?

you mean under-employment

They aren’t progressive, there are simply no jaywalkers and few cyclists in Singapore therefore no challenge for AVs.

You could say the same thing about humanity as a whole.

About 50% of the cars in the bay area are lacking front plates.  Mostly higher end cars...not sure how often folks get fixits.