
As with everything, if Tesla continues to produce EVs that people are willing to pay a premium for, this move won’t damage them at all. Cars are starting to follow the entertainment paradigm, where people would rather pick their next movie to watch by RT score and don’t care about the ads the studio pumps out.

Along with Silicon Valley, LA is the highest traffic location.

And dealer profit was solely from exploiting lack of consumer information.

It wasn’t hard to develop or glitchy. And it’s “affected” not “effected,you effect an affect.

The trap, as we are now seeing on the GOP side as well as the Bernie Part II side is that people want to reduce a problem down to a shouting point, and in doing this, they inject their biases into the analysis. It is simply not accurate to characterize the middle east conflict as a result of either muslim terrorists

Well of course, all you have to do is hear Bernie railing against the BIG BANKS (a/k/a money lenders)...that shit is straight out of Nazi Germany.

The discussion should be why Republicans started getting massive support from the US Jewish community when EVERYONE knows the GOP is deeply anti-Semitic. The answer is Israel has latched on to the right wing fantasy of the second coming being in Israel (and secondarily of Israel battling “the terrorists”) in order to

Actually, we are all capturing the benefit of cheap shit at the cost of long term environmental decay.  Simple question, do you consume any beverages or foods that were ever wrapped or containerized in any way?  If so, you are part of the problem.

“Neoliberalism” whatever TF that is has nothing to do with this problem. Ideally, recyclables are profit making so folks that care about things like efficiency enter the market and increase total processing power. Sure, you can leave this to state and local government, but they are not the best at actually doing lots


Willow Glen is still a great place to live :-)  Gotta love those Aqui margaritas :)

neither of those have ever “yielded” a fucking thing but human misery

don’t light up yet, go read articles on itunes from the early days “itunes will NEVER make a profit” look at how much itunes drops to Apple’s bottom line.  Don’t forget things like driver subsidies will flux heavily as the market develops and stabilizes.

i worked on pets back then and tech sector heavily now...the revenue multiples for a lot of companies are very aggressive...but unlike the dot-coms, people are actually willing to pay for a lot of what the new crop of tech companies produce

the business has massive barriers to entry...witness eg that there are really only two ride sharing services for the entire fast forward 10 years and there are effectively no taxis in the US...Uber and Lyft split the market and this gives them the ability to eliminate subsidies (and other expansion costs will

This happens all across the country and it’s not a legal protection, it is just a way to market without immediately confessing a crime.

Like most businesses, the key is to legalize and unionize.

I don’t think the cops get to keep the shit they seize.

The NFL minus the Patriots is an NFL I would care about again.

Superbowl HIV