
Wasn’t there an interview on youtube where she breaks character for a second?

It’s a stupid argument anyway.  Draft should be open to anyone 18 or older, period.

Exactly.  Too bad the amount of money being extracted from college athletics means it will never change.

I fear for America.

he won because of fucking sanders and asshole stein nothing more

you are a sick freak

Sick of what system?  The one the GOP has created???

Wholy fuck what a lame ass take.  She fucked up huge on Amazon but who gives a flipping fuck where she lives????

But then have a mostly African-American group of players give a white cheerleader the “Best Booty Award” and watch the racists start to spew about how inappropriate and offensive it is.

I would modify your statement a bit to say team sports tend to provide a great outlet for bullies (for the coaches especially). Much like the police.

They should have given that “coach” the “Minuscule Brain Award”.

Just when I thought no one could do a worse job representing white people...NOPE IT GETS WORSE!

I’d rather see the highway speed limit set to 80 state wide.

So much this.

Don’t put those puffy coats away just yet...terraforming is going to take 5000 years, folks!

Then you are part of the problem.  It’s that simple.

Then you are part of the problem.  It’s that simple.

Don’t forget the assholes that drive with their brights on all the time and their relatives who have replaced their normal bulbs with small pieces of the Sun.

Two different concepts...the asshole in the Yukon roaring up to the merge sign past dozens of cars is NOT doing it to enhance traffic flow (and it doesn’t have that effect).

And it’s variant, EVERY fucking person waiting to move until they have multiple car lengths in front of you get maybe 25 cars through a light that could have easily taken 100...and the inevitable idiot at the end that stops the second the light turns yellow, or the guy that doesn’t seem to fucking realize