
It’s just knda tough to laugh at a maniacal freak that is running your country into the ground while also denying pretty much every factual thing that exists in the modern world.

DJT, writing for his “doctor”.

And might as well sell America out to Putin so I can bolster my bank account...what’s the big deal???   Everyone’s betraying their country these days!!!

And the show is stupid and ugly as all fuck.

define good?  you mean shitty?

Does this study factor in differences in education levels, household income, etc?

No it’s not “as unfair”.  The fucking president should be elected by a simple majority which is as fair as it can get.

You mean laughable every denial trump makes.

who cares about enthusiasts...i just want to get there faster

Speed limits on highways are fucking stupid.  Ban clunkers and ticket people who are shit drivers.

Fuck that noise. When kids who are actually trying to make a difference after a mass shooting are roasted by the right..these little shits in MAGA hats 100% deserve to have their lives ruined (which *of course* won’t happen).

that’s a fail strategy, they need to punch hard at BMW/MB in the 45-85k range

She is a vile, sick, freeloading freak.

Honey, if you go to this party, don’t overdrink, because men are scum.

Memo to Honda and Toyota, your cars look like shit.

Wow, what is with the scummiest little shits on the planet surfacing to spew their retarded racist trash?

Looks like the ugly bastard child of a Z4 and a 350z.

Now they get a multi-lifetime supply of fucktard “pro-life” protesters. Hopefully, their laws allow them to just arrest them.

What in the last 30+ years of GOP policies would give you even the slightest inclination that they give a fuck about people?

Well we will all be long dead even if FTL is discovered.