
you misspelled covering up

By definition, they are political.

or the second amendment

And hell, that high taxes are different than either communism or socialism.

They should not have been holding her back that gave that asshole a chance to back off.

It’s so fucking disgusting looking. Literally the only thing in the world that makes cigarette smoking look cool by comparison.

Stupid to compare an S class which is much more expensive than the tesla on a fuel price adjusted basis.

the fact that this human has clearly never had real pizza made me realize why it’s take on pizza is so fucking misguided


unlock speed limits and designate an electric only lane

swapping is not practical for a lot of reasons

At least in the US, the issues you mention WILL NEVER BE SOLVED.

Buses don’t work for 80% or more of the US population.  Never have, never will.

Not true at all...self driving will mean machine vision and actual AI.  Machine learning is garbage wanna be AI.

No just fuck the bad people, aka rapepublicans.

You honestly can’t say you care about America and be a Republican.

When Trump dies, we should just dump his body in the trash were it belongs.

Why any loyal American would show up at a traitor-party funeral is utterly beyond me.

He wasn’t raised right.

Thank god that fuck is dead.