
What were you protesting?  Freedom and America?  Trump is a Putin’s little bitch.

You mean it’s America.  We stopped being first or second world the day we elected trump the dumbass.

Nothing...there is no substance that could be profitably extracted.

But only one side of the spectrum combines stupidity with evil.

Thanks GOP shill.

Which is also why actual tax reform could have been a net win for the country, but what we had was a huge tax cut for the wealthy with an embedded tax reform.

It’s why economies are stronger the more small companies you have, and why tax cuts that principally benefit shareholders of large public companies don’t really help the economy (aside from a bit of a bump as companies snort their extra cash from offshore).

Mostly they hoard it and it helps no one but themselves.  Something about marginal utility of money.

TIL the Supreme Court doesn’t understand tech and/or that Apple’s lawyers did a shit job explaining it.  

I was hoping to be insulated from these bad puns.

Just keep deflating all his tires. No more Turo biz, motherfucker.

It’s a short film.

You are wrong in just about every way, but just to start, competing for companies with tax breaks is done by governors, mayors, etc of both political parties. For another thing, tax cuts do not lead to meaningful economic growth, this has been proven time and again and is being proven now (as companies rush to send

It’s not a catch-22 at all.  The added tax revenue to the state from collateral business more than makes up for the credits to amazon and could also alleviate the “issues” that having lots of new high-paying jobs in the area would bring, but the political leaders need to actually capture the additional tax revenue and

Michael...are you masturbating?

It doesn’t say required.  Hopefully there was actually a rule he broke.

No one from California says “shite” my friend.

Since you seem to be able to use the internet, you can disprove you own statements in minutes.  Also we do controlled burns across the state and also they wouldn’t have done shit for these fires.

No he doesn’t give a flipping fuck about people that vote for him.  He despises them.

And the ultimate irony is that fighting climate change is great for business unless you are part of the cabal of natural resource extractors that are the only corporate beneficiaries of science deniers.