
GOP personality graph is crazy, evil, stupid.

That fucker’s grammar is atrocious.  Capital crime.

Funny how billions/trillions will be spent to solve a problem we could solve by a few percent reduction in birth rates globally.  No one needs more than two kids.

Shower-on-meth thoughts.

Functional Explosive Device

At this point the only way to preserve what is left (not much) of America is to split the country up.  This won’t be easy but we are like married couple with children and the GOP is the abusive spouse.  We need out of this relationship right the fuck now.

Wow there is this whole wild thing called the internet if you want to know who Soros is.  And to your other point, people who send bombs to other people are demonstrably insane and usually (not always) total idiots as well.

And there are brown people heading to America in a CARAVAN!  Deploy the tanks!

Wow you are blaming someone else for a bad take??? You thought Sanders was more desirable than Hillary? You need to significantly re-calibrate.

None I know of and I am really picking my brain here...

They only happen to be white, so don’t call them White Nationalists.

discreet ffs...unless you mean do it on a different day to reduce detection risk

You will be dead and turned into trash.  They can just dump me into the nearest compost pile and move on.

Nah, it’s sick and creepy.  What is wrong with people?

But the you that matters is dead.  Another you has been created but it is not *you*.  If you could upload all your memories into another person and brainwash them into believing they are you, would you?

I know, like holding people responsible for colluding with Russia, for example.

Meant to write Earth and spell checker changed to Europa. 

And if it had been driverless the car would have been required to stop and wait for the police.  You just missed your train.

You can’t go to a CVS??? It’s not hard.

The only thing that scares liberals is how fucking stupid the rest of you are.