
It’s just marketing...evangelical christians are a gullible bunch.

the other route is crossover point on solar cell tech and battery such that the trickle charge from the car’s body being one big solar cell is enough to effectively power the car for most short commutes, and to reduce charge times overall

Also funny in that government spending on tech in the US is recycled, so the only real issue is crowding out (since even misallocated spending is pushed back through the system).  I do agree gov’t spending should be focused on supporting domestic companies.

No you are on point. Bay Area here, and I have no doubt California alone would buy 2500 of these per year for years(or until the tech bubble pops again lol).  That’s roughly $250m/year from one US state.

No they want it because unlike the Leaf, it means they can have a similar driving range to a gas car for those times they want to take a car trip.  I know a lot of Tesla owners and no one talks about their range.

Fallacy.   There are many concepts that scientists can dismiss without direct evidence.  Is there a bigfoot?  Are there tooth fairies?  The only reason we talk about god is because of beliefs our ignorant ancestors had.

God can’t exist...not possible...if god did exist, you would HAVE to ask, how did god get created, and whatever created god is really god, etc etc etc.  God is a silly fairy tale.

So fucking sick, evil and disheartening.  Our educational system and our leaders have completely failed, and now the barbarians are in control.  I wish to god I had another country to move to.

Ready to buy one...but only if they make it with a true manual tranny!

Damn...this Demonrat really wants a Pussyhat!

Wait a second...”when they put the politics in”??? I think it’s actually our idiotic racist president himself...I would recognize that inability to form even basic concepts into complete correct sentences anywhere!

Him and the rest of his filthy family make me wish I had some opiods around.

Because it is logical, it is unlikely to occur under Trump.

Not that mysterious, god kept ending up with flat sludgy life forms when he had the gravity setting up higher.

Those aren’t companies.  They are buildings.

We don’t know that.

Yes but the lesson from the financial crisis is clear. If improper home loans had simply been voided, with title to the homes going to the borrower, the crisis would have been largely mitigated.

You mean the group that wants to destroy public education?  I see what you did there...

Scene 1: Prius driving down the road, hipster music blaring...giant cloud of vape smoke blows out of the window...

The sequel to Venom...Douche.