
And therefore making today the best day to buy tickets.

Nope you are a fucking idiot.  Now, if you had said it’s insane for “pro-life” conservatives to support weapons that kill, I would have agreed this is a very valid point.

We should kick California out of Trumpmerica...I mean please could someone make that happen?

honestly who gives a fuck, they should all be banned

You are a sick fucking individual.

A ban on guns going back to when the NRA bought our government would have vastly reduced the fucktard’s ability to get his easy to use to murder gun.

Keep pushing stupid tropes from the NRA.

Yeah I don’t either, if my product kills people but makes me money, FUCK PEOPLE!

Nope, guns exist only to kill or injure, they should be subject to more scrutiny than any other purchase. 

So, to summarize, guns should be banned?  OK, I agree.  Thanks!

God that string of Twitter responses was enough to restore my hope for America.

Yeah too bad about that.

To be fair if you would vote for Ted Cruz, you would vote for Satan if he was running against a Democrat.

That’s not how it works.

That’s the worst thing about full autonomy as a goal, a focus on immediate improvements to driver safety would be so much more effective at saving lives.

you are talking about decades before the cars are all linked into a common knowledge platform...hell that could have been implemented anytime in the last decade and hasn’t

African or Euro...crap that doesn’t work here at all!


Nah, incels won’t be happy until a living breathing woman begs them to have sex, in other words, they will never be happy.

Bullshit x1000.  Fox Spews is 100% dishonest propaganda.  Most of CNN is running clips of what our Fake President or his cronies is actually saying THEMSELVES.