
Interesting, if you are on a web site, I am assuming you want that site to survive, yet if too many do what you do, then the site has to shut down.

I’m a 50 year old white dude who got hooked on rap in the 80s in DC...give some of the new stuff a chance and don’t try to fit it in an old framework...

And, paradoxically, no one will be a celebrity.

I know you trollin’ brother!

I just got a great society improvement idea...

Not just seems, it is based on nothing...but more power to you for generating profits out of thin air.

Nah, the big boys are investing in block chain, not crypto.

Empathy has no place in politics...all political policies should have pure pragmatism and enlightened national interest as their drivers. The stupidity of Trump is that his “policies” are bad for our country, plain and simple.

Yeah, we should go back to the good old days before technology.

Why would you limit Ubers but not address the real cause of the congestion, regular people driving in new york city?

Remember folks, some variant of self-driving means especially cabs/car services have a very limited future life.  Fighting over cabs versus uber is a silly exercise.

the reality is that large home screens and decent sound systems have undercut the value prop of the theater...with a large (massive) assist from the compression of big screen release to streaming...the smart theaters are moving to reserved recliners and eat in your seat to differentiate but I am not sure that will be

Given “the Left” hasn’t had alignment between the WH and Congress in decades, I don’t think this is an apt comparison.

yes don’t remind me

How is a service that literally makes it possible for a lot of people to make some money without working at mcdonalds a leech?  That makes zero sense!

I’ve had cab drivers swear at me for having a destination that was too close, had a driver light up his cigarette while I was in the cab, and had a driver say he was ready to kill himself just as we started up a very high bridge.  The only cabs I still use over Uber are black cabs in London.

exactly what uber is doing and getting shit on for it

1. Your capital/labor concept is tough to apply here, I don’t see a lot of cab drivers getting rich.

That will never happen, but they could introduce the London congestion tax.

Trump and his minions don’t care about being shamed...they are demons on earth to torment humanity.