
And to think he had to stop blowing Putin for long enough to write that.

She’s not fine, she’s a soulless sack of human excrement.

Sanders supporters weren’t rich white men, they were little punk white boys and a lot of out of touch hippies.

AT least half of those folks (shit head murdoch, the koch assholes, sheldon the dipshit) are psychos hell bent on harming America. Musk is a superstar American compared to them.

Of course it will hit sub-40k...that’s not even a stretch goal.

Obama?  What car company did he run?

Not even close to the same as anything Windows from 1995 to about (i can’t really recall when apple scaled enough) 2005(?). Windows had an absolutely dominant market share with no viable competitor.  Regulatory interference was a necessity.

That’s not what market share means.

No...regulators shouldn’t be trying to get inside a product to figure out what should or can be pre-installed (or even removable).  There is huge competition across the board for smart phone spend and there is zero need for regulators to step in.

It’s a stupid fucking much as I hate all things Android, it is the only viable competition with Apple, and Google’s only reason for producing it was to give them a controlled channel for Google products.

read the part about it not having a chance of winning, this guy just scored easy (and undeserved) points for himself...remember he is part of the problem

They should make them flying as well.

Solution in search of a problem.

you are smoking some serious crack if you think the outcome of any of this is a trade policy that benefits ordinary americans. the best/only “positive” outcome of this trade war will be to further enhance the wealth of the shareholders (many of them ironically not US) and executives of major multinationals, and even

You are right both economies will be fucked and guess who gets fucked the hardest...yep you and me kid (assuming you are a normal wage slave in the US like me).

everything you said is correct, except the other parties don’t even need “fair” trade agreements, just agreements with lower tariffs.  also note that since most goods we buy from china are actually made for US producers, the tariffs are really just a tax on those US producers.

Sounds great...let’s bring back world wars while we are at it!  Good times!

He was an ugly-ass little shit.

“Preserving your demographics” has to be one of the best euphemisms for full fucking racism I have ever seen. 

Duh, she was a great hooker back in the day.