
Because it is “edgy” for a left-leaning person to attack a democrat (see all B. Sanders supporters), whereas the right-wing commentators stick to their vaporware narrative of helping ordinary Americans (and attacking all liberals).

Well to be fair we have also imagined ring planets around stars, faster than light travel, etc.

I have been pessimistic about the value of space travel relative to our other problems, but I have realized there is a huge value in reminding people that science can do amazing things (in a VERY visceral way).

The PC term is “thugs”.

Sad part is I am pretty sure being a racist is highly correlated with having an inability to use birth control or other family planning.

It’s a defining characteristic of his generation...obsessed with external markers of success and devoid of actual compassion or personality. Look at his tacky properties as a prime example.

Given we have a Russian agent currently pretending to lead our country, I think we can make an exception for Musk.


I have to laugh, we are just at the start of the internet liberal future state (not an era because it will never end), and these retrograde racist idiots are losing their grip.

Trump combines being completely unqualified, immoral and fucking stupid in a way I honestly believe no world leader in history has come close to.

It’s called Chain Gang Immigration, or is it Gang Chain...hmmmm

Every day is a snow day for Lazy Dipshit Donald

And someone remind me the last time the US ran a surplus...surely that was under a republican, riiiight?

Very happy I have no idea who these assclowns are.

OK I will tickle the troll, what science and math deniers support CAFE?

they should offer a service that will put a jaguar family on the back and add as you add kids

you failed...too many words and they resemble the English language

Can I get one of these that shoots forward and eliminates slow drivers in my way? Maybe 2 Tesla flamespitters?

I am pretty sure they vat-grow these vapid racist blonds. Kellyanne was the prototype which is why she’s ugly as fuck.

He has admitted he was at least grossly and criminally negligent.