
Pick a company or companies that sponsor the Olympics, immediately buy lots of their products and then destroy them in a Youtube video.

we only innovate in narrow areas...the rest of america is a dump

clean coal is the funniest bullshit ever faked

Why don’t you focus on your own issues and stop trolling...are you from Russia by any chance?

I am very sure he was an absolutely shit programmer who never should have been hired by Google or any other company in the first place...

Not really tough at all...just tax liquid assets as a wealth tax.

you are wrong in that red means are also wrong in that our corporations can’t be socialist

It’s actually that simple.

no should about it...they should be shamed and fired from their jobs

dude kill yourself you are worthless

she is still alive much?

That’s been completely debunked. We owe 100% of the current economy (which is good BTW) on the Obama administration’s economic strategy, and most of the “egregious” spending that GOP blames Obama for was actually just him continuing the end-of-Bush era recovery spending...but of course when a dem is in office spending

Even the wealthy and pro-capitalists such as myself know this tax cut was meant to do one thing and one thing only, make the rich richer. In five minutes, anyone with a brain could come up with a tax plan that would have actually incented companies to pull jobs back to the US.

tell that to the Wall Fetisher in Chief

I have spent my entire career working with major corporations most in Silicon Valley and I can promise you one thing...companies do whatever they want, taxes be damned.

Fake bitch president.

Given that our president has the mental acuity of a 6 month old, and he is being protected by the nastiest group of trolls ever elected to Congress, we really only have “childishness” as a viable outlet for free speech.

Assange should be locked up for life in the same cell we throw Trump in.

the various moving floor solutions will solve movement...they do need to motorize them and add force sensors though (the current versions you have to move them yourself which isn’t the correct feel for walking)

The danger of AI isn’t that it will overthrow us, it’s that it will make us all redundant (and our puny mentalities won’t be able to compensate).