
Like gold (for the most part) bitcoin’s only value is that it can be converted out to a real currency at some point to buy real things. As others have pointed out, it will never be a reliable actual currency because it has no overarching government backing.

Something fictional that mentally disturbed people have made up about Google.

It’s the bible studying, 2nd amendment parsing approach to life. If you only read the whole thing ONE MORE TIME you would realize your liberal views are incorrect.

Yeah don’t you know if you spew 8 or 9 pages of bullshit and then say something even remotely non-bullshit, you should be given credit for it?

If you said Mein Kampf was garbage, PA2SK would ask if you even finished it.

Everything in the memo is wrapper around his core concept, that women are shitty coders because their feeble women brains can’t handle “facts” and “data” and that they aren’t naturally competitive.

There are so many fallacies and errors in the memo, it would take hours to document them.

It’s a fucking stupid memo, and he should have been fired for clearly being an idiot.

And assholes like this asshole usually say that only assholes use “labor laws” to defend themselves.

Don’t forget the sharks. Lots of sharks.

And let’s see what happens when we finally get the rat bastard under oath and ask him about prior russia dealings. That scum sucking little bitch is going to perjure himself a dozen times in his first answer.

Trump’s agenda is total fucking shit...what the fuck are you talking about moron?

One of the many sad things about Trump is that near the end of the race he went 100% in the tank for GOP stupid ass ideas like tax reductions, ending regulations and repealing obama-care. Before that he was just a racist, sexist troll.

This is why we either go to a popular vote or we watch america break apart.

I think he realizes his connections with Russia will take him down, so he is trying a last ditch “but look how goooood i am dooooing” approach. Doesn’t help him that he hasn’t done shit, and the market also seems to go up every time he gets in more trouble (implying the market would love him being removed).

Heavily armed, morally bankrupt gas station.

They lack the intelligence to understand this and always will.

Here’s what I found from NOAA:

Your statement appears to be utter horseshit. Care to share a link to support?

I call bullshit. You lost me at a vacuum tube 100s of miles long...never going to happen.