
Yeah that makes zero fucking sense. If you don’t have a concept of the future, why the fuck save?

Total government control means nothing can be wrong, right?

Actually, you can pretty much just know anything anyone in the trump administration says is an utter lie (unless they are leaking to the press thank god for leaks).

As a moderate democrat I want everything around trump to melt as quickly as possible. This fucktard damages america every day he is in office, and more so if he is actually not being shit stormed by his self-created crises.

Snowden was just as much garbage as Assange. At least Assange wasn’t attacking his own country.

There has never been a time when that douche has been anything like a hero.

Don’t insult the peso like that, everyone knows a bitcoin is worth 1/2 a teaspoon of hacker cum.

He was massively over-levered and then bailed out by foreign banks in many cases banks controlled by foreign governments. They have unknown (but likely significant) amounts of power of him.

Yeah, too many looser drivers.

Cop was going way to fast with essentially zero visibility from side to side. Killing an innocent person was a very possible outcome.

Instead of progress, we got Trumped.

Don’t give them any ideas “Dispatch, this is Unit 11, we need an airstrike on a house with women and children because we are scared little pussies, over.”

It’s clearly not half man...a tenth at best...and don’t insult potatoes, I think most of it is shit.

They are proud to be the dumbest assholes on the planet.

They bought bOath these loser companies.

the only way to hold him accountable is to remove him from office...he doesn’t care about anything or anyone else other than himself

He never admitted he was full of shit on the birther issue, he will never admit it on this either.

Great now the CIA knows about them!

Transporter Booty Call

Damn Obama...he should have been there to plug the leak with his finger!