
The whole point is no clean ups will be required in the future. If the Ocean deserves to be clean it will clean itself!

The GOP wants to return to when America was a slave state for workers (and I don’t mean black slaves, which they prob want to). They want no unions, no healthcare, no fundamental rights, period. Anyone who works for a living should never, ever, vote GOP.

No it’s stupidity that is driving the middle class to the right. The GOP caused the US “jobs” problem by causing unions to die, now the former beneficiaries of unions blame immigrants and will in turn lose their’s a downward slide into hell.

If you think any fat unhealthy Trump voting idiot will get health insurance under the “Insurance Companies Rule” GOP, you are smoking many things.

Because if you don’t pay for their fucking healthcare, they will cost us all more in terms of forgone productivity, ER visits and also their kids will be victims as well?

They didn’t do anything illegal period.

The constitution does not protect cults.

It’s due to the weak spot we have for religion.

OMG LOL, the trailer is so benign...and white people in black face is straight up racist as all fuck and totally deserves to be mocked all to hell

If you don’t subscribe to the muslim ban and christian sharia law in america, you are actually a “conservative” liberal, and should be a democrat.

On behalf of white people everywhere, please stop.

And don’t forget...bacon.

He/she/it is just trolling you for LULZ and you fell for it like a feral pig falls for Rum.

I want to see sexy Bastion.

And they are reading a fucking translation done by mere mortals, so the whole thing is meaningless anyway.

Gold buyers are just are just stupid (unless they are pure speculators trading for profit).

It is dumping like a mother fucker now.

Slap me five, my black guy! FTFY

Our entire “universe” is probably one of billions of similarly scaled universes, more are likely being formed or collapsing all the time.

They can’t coexist since creationism is just god in disguise.