
Not even close. I would wager anything that there is no “creator” (which almost has to be true, i.e. what created the creator).

Exactly, Trump is auctioning off every aspect of America he doesn’t care about to the GOP and the stuff he cares about (his own shit basically) he is aligned with the GOP on anyway.

So you are either a republican (even more ball-less and far more unprincipled) or you are just irrelevant.

Yes, the best thing to do now is go full scorched earth on anything and everything trump touches. Burn his political momentum to the ground and push him to the point he says something or tries something overtly horrific. At that point, go for the jugular and impeach.

Last month.

I want the underwater shot of what happens to it.

You can only help those that want to be helped. You can only communicate with those that have the desire to communicate.

Solar-powered Tesla Tanks



A sane writer would have woken up some dinos they put on the ship as well. JURASSIC PARK V — RAPTORS IN SPACE

This is an accurate statement.

Right, I remember all the republicans rushing to help Clinton and Obama. Go fuck yourself.

I wish anything you said was accurate...but it isn’t. Trump has made it clear he is willing to let the old establishment GOP do ANYTHING it wants. He is not accountable to anyone, since people are willing to accept any lie he tells them. As to Russian (or whoever is behind the hacking, it doesn’t much matter to me)

And joke’s on them. There is no industrial future for anyone (China included, why do you think they are desperate to generate or steal IP).

Actually, deep recessions are amazing times for the wealthy. Depressed asset prices and lower costs across the board.

Trump is a 100% evil poopy-head.

or for that matter an AI.

To explore strange new fonts seek out new kernings.

There are only so things you can do to shitty houses.