
Which of course if people actually believed they couldn’t beat statistics our entire world would be a much much much happier and productive place.

You can’t kill the “zombies” (code for you know what) that could break in any second if your gun’s in a safe.

And suddenly everyone is volunteering for hand screening.

There are literally no countries like what he describes. Some of the big oil states don’t have an income tax, but they charge other taxes and in any event the entire state is more or less owned by royalty, so no comparison would be apt. The other low tax states get away with it by combining little or no military

Also, anyone that blames “wall street” for their problems is best ignored.

Not normal businesses. The kleptocracy will exist only to maximize value for business owned and operated by trump, putin and their associates. Remember folks, putin is one of the richest (if not the richest) men in the world, and trump ran just to get some of that mad corruption money.

Wow I wish auto-correct could have detected and deleted the bullshit you just spewed.

Well there would be jobs (hitman for the mob? slave wages in mines?), but there would be no jobs in government, and none of the protections that government brings with it.

he should distrust the media, they are outing him on his lies on the daily

Fair enough, that’s usually the most accurate approach.

And a hairpiece that turns into a killer drone.

It doesn’t even remotely resemble feminism.


Yeah, that’s exactly how my mom gave birth to me!

Isn’t it manplaining?

Who runs the woooooorld? MEN
Who trashes the woooooooorld, MEN

Get used to it. Trump and his cronies will let corporate america gut the US workforce (and roll back wages, healthcare and other benefits).

how did the “government” win? what is the “government”?

What show? “America is Fucked”?

Easy, if they don’t give the list to Trump, Putin will just hack in and get the list himself. We might as well just hand over the US to Russia.