
I would have said, “What they don’t steal, they will break.”

Um, no, he has handed over the keys to the government to the most corrupt conservatives there are.

The saddest thing about Trump, I have now agreed with China, TWICE!

Ba-dum-dum. But seriously, no you are flat fucking wrong.

I am saying an atheist’s prayer right now that you aren’t really a surgeon.

Edit: He controls Congress and the spineless bastards will do whatever he tells them to do.

Trump has never, ever, cared if something was done right.

They should jut go for it...any country so fucking stupid as to vote Trump in has pretty much given up on the future.

LOL...the unemployment line a/k/a most of Trump’s supporters for the next four years.

I think it’s just that you are so stupid it’s hard to get past it. Also, some people have jobs that prevent them from taking your TL;DR posts apart point by point.

Where are my second-amendment snowflakes when we need them?

Those knees...they scream NAZI!

Unfortunately, the revolution will likely be lead by him, and will involve throwing intellectuals in the oven.

People across America should peacefully surround trump’s properties. Handcuffed together. Full blockade until both he and Pence resign.

Don’t be fooled. They will do it anyway, so might as well pre-riot.

Or if any of us exist in four years.

Why used to? I am still pretty sure she is pure evil.

Well, her circuitry is capable of emulating certain limited thought processes.

Genuine luck?

Revolt against who? 100+ million retards?