
And you are probably one of those round-earthers too...FOOL! Round-Earth is a librul sham!

It was cold in my house this morning. I no longer believe in global warming.

But there won’t be.

Funny, we are deeply engaged with China, which has zero respect for human rights or religious freedom.

Don’t forget, the suites at Trump Hotel are top notch...<wink>

Used Car Salesmen are MUCH more honest. Source: have been scammed by a number of Used Car Salesmen.

Really? You really want white people to recuse themselves from any debate on race and racism?

It’s fucking psychotic. Like a cannibal complaining about solitary confinement.

Yep, Trump is getting ready to rape us anally and we are debating which room of the house it will happen in.

She’s not a master of anything. She was allowed to run this bullshit game the entire campaign when she should have been told point blank to shut the fuck up if she wasn’t answering the fucking question.

It’s her nasty rhetorical device. Someone else says sexist, no it’s locker room talk. Someone criticizes you, yell sexist.

The right didn’t call Obama a Nazi, they called him a Ni**er. Kellyanne is a traitor to her sex and to America and she deserves not one single ounce of deference or respect.

Better to bully in public. To shut down others that might pick fault with with Trumps.

Yeah, remember how well the nazi’s dealt with physical disabilities. I don’t give a shit what normalizers say, it is all happening again people.

Probably because he has tortured more than one family pet (including Trump’s illegal alien servants).

Yeah he is going to be an asshole his whole life, like his douchebag entitled airheaded evil siblings. Might as well start getting the hits in early.

Oh god lol...give it up already. Hogan didn’t suffer damages at all and it was just a witch hunt by Thiel and a bought and paid for judge.

And let’s not even think about the monstrous shit they say about President Obama (a/k/a our last real president) and his family.

In Trump’s America, only Trumps have free speech.

Also, no conservative I have known (and that’s a lot) would ever stoop so low as to actually debate something with a librul. That’s like debating with a communist.