
No one who matters gives a shit what happens to donald pumpers in reddit.

If it was just the wild west free for all that trump promised, that would be one thing, but he has now come out in support of stripping american citizens of their citizenship for burning a piece of fabric. Dude is a straight up old-school fascist.

It is already clear he has dropped any anti-establishment pretense.

trump is agnostic toward anything that doesn’t move his penis or his bank balance

the face of evil

What the fuck is the left? You mean normal people?

No that’s what he...oh never mind...

Trump makes everything suck. FTFY

I feel batteried by all these puns.

We will ban free speech and abortion, but god forbid someone not being able to buy a fucking machine gun.

Attack immigrants, attack the press, attack the “Establishment”. We all know Trump isn’t Hitler, but he sure as shit borrowed Hitler’s playbook.

I would call the GOP spineless, but that would be an insult to invertebrates.

Actually it was lying under oath in testimony to Congress. The fact that the question posed should never have been permitted to be asked is usually forgotten.

You can only be impeached if you are a Democrat.

No way, Trump’s transition is way more normal than usual. It is the most normal transition in history!

Don’t tease.

President Trump bans toys. Toys fight back.

Baby wagon, FTFY

McQueen crashes.

Snowden is no patriot.