
And I say “God damn!” and “Jesus fucking Christ!” all the time.

Pence’s only role is to make sure we all protect Trump for four years.

Nah, unlike the right, we actually think before we assign blame.


Trump Prison

Too soon.

Said no Trump, ever.

Yeah if I wanted Putin in charge, I would have just written in Putin.

getting drunk on blue drinks tonight and staying drunk until 9PM west coast.

Come on, she is actually straight out of Westworld. Full on sex bot with a very limited AI and voice chip.

Do want.

He is also a drug addict and has been for decades. Mostly uppers which explains both his “energy” as well as his inability to focus on anything. His heart will probably pop sometime in the next year or so.

That’s why Trump is even close.

Sadly, Americans are actually stupid. Source: Am an American

Your disconnect with reality is significant.

Vulvanoe sounds kinky.

I’ll be in my quarters in half an hour covered with honey.


*hmmm, might have to check the preakness out next year*

replace elephant with RV and pitch with field