
I have a long list of people I wish were on another planet!

Exploits the Laws of Physics

What is hell on earth?

How much meat will Meet eat when he meets his new cell mate?

Yo Gary, do us a favor and grab Jill before you jump off the nearest cliff. Thanks!

Been bitten by the Amazon stealth delivery date scam for years.

the food way?

No he is just a monster.

Fuck yes, this, so much this.

Stop spouting facts, they disrupt the right wing hate speech.

And no hope.

LOL you are so funny.

Humor me by elucidating on why?

Actually Nixon was the real start of the polarization movement, and Reagan was the first instantiation of the form over substance candidate. The Gingrinch “Contract” with “America” and the tea party were attempts to get back to the Reagan feels.

No we are not fighting it more effectively. We are simply set up to express it differently (e.g. we are a newer country, more diverse etc.).

What the serious fuck are you smoking? I want to make sure I avoid it, since it seems to melt your brain.

Yeah that’s not astroturfing (even if the OP statement wasn’t a bunch of horse shit).

Not immunity, just nothing to be nostalgic about.

Older white males want their power back...older white women that turned their backs on the women’s movement want to go back to a time they didn’t have to reconcile wanting to be a housewife with other women not wanting that outcome.

first she wants some C, then she wants some D