
god is such a perv

That would be udderly ridiculous! cocaine up youuuur buuuttttt.

That’s why I keep my wife chained in the flirting unless it’s with the water heater.

Hell he is still a firm believer that all rumors are true...just not about him.

Grab her by the pussy is exactly what Donald tried to do running for president.


You had me until “loose”. Derp, of course clean energy is better. And of course it takes government intervention to jump start it.

Yes, just another reason to hate trump. Not that the other republicans would have been much better. Most would have spent the whole time talking about “The Clintons” too.

they should up the sentence

exactly, they ignore the fact that freedom is actually enhanced by many rules...ask anyone who lived in a company town before they were outlawed

You say US government but then go on to trash local governments and school districts. Also, you explicitly state that governments only care when people care, which is DUH exactly why our system has problems (people don’t care about the right things so neither does government).

Why would this be the right litmus test? Only a true idiot would be a 100% supporter of any political party’s platform. Just because the Dem platform and approach is the best doesn’t mean it’s perfect.

Essentially the US/State/Local government until maybe the 1920s...cops only show up to crack skulls of “n’er do wells”.

republican+love drugs-religious=libertarian

I think you are giving us too much credit. Clearly around 50% of America thinks government is unnecessary and that we should just let corporations decide what’s best for us (these people are collectively referred to as republicans).

or if you ignore the real world in favor of clueless idealism

The 20th century version of libertarian is a bastardized and corrupted version of the concept.

Libertarians are fascists in anarchist clothing.

I am sure in his team meetings Trump gushes over how effective Hitler was and how it showed one man really can make things happen.