
They made it to earth in the end. So the reboot should be the cylon’s finding earth and they need the BG to defend their new home.

And the cops can’t and won’t respond.

These guys are the very worst assholes. No regard for anyone else.

Welcome to the double standard.

Prop 60 and yes that’s the rule.

The only thing worse than the boom is the bust.

God that last mission in original wing commander...I think I am still dizzy from it.

god those bumper stickers and signs are annoying

Should have been a clear stage #EpicFail

I vote for a new site “RacistLiberals”.

I would guess it’s a trivial exercise to combine a ps4 type motion sensor with some light fog and a few emitters to make a fairly realistic simulation. ps4 type rumble would make it even feel like you were impacted by the drone’s beam.

Careful, you don’t want to get Data Lung.

The penalty for downloading should be equal to the amount lost, so no more than $20-50 per violation. This is a civil matter.

It happens in city neighborhoods too. Only they are even closer to you.

Exactly. I can probably put a large picture of a dead person on my lawn, but I probably should have respect for my neighbors. America has become the triumph of “I can” over “I should”.

Not just intimidation, but outright documented fraud. The GOP should have been given a two-election suspension for intentionally telling minority voters the wrong polling places, but they got off like the Russian national team.

This is some utter fucking shit. We need a tac team of counter observers to fuck these people up if they try pulling this horseshit.

Remember Election Observers, please only use violence to defend yourself once your racial slurs incite violence.

When you see Trump state flat out “If I lose, it’s because the vote was rigged” you should be terrified. This is straight up third-world wanna be dictator shit.

We also don’t require prosecution of every case even where we believe there are merits. The DA must weigh the harm done with the likelihood of success before deciding to proceed.