
No way. Your assumptions are way off. First, we don’t need more productive people, we need fewer people. Longer lives in theory create more leisure, but this is only if you assume that jobs and money morph into something else. It happens in SciFi (read the Culture series by Ian Banks for example) but we are hundreds

Don’t worry, artists (except for the already rich ones) won’t be able to afford the treatment.

In other words, it ain’t never gonna happen, or be a good idea if it did.

Grant one group a 100 year life extension based on wealth and that group will rule the world. There won’t be guillotines except for those used to execute those that question our long-lived overlords.

And you haven’t even factored in that jobs have a lifespan of another 50-100 years tops.

Assuming you do it after having actual coitus, your husband is a very lucky man.

It’s not crazy, you are mapping motion on a flat 2d surface against a 2d screen, and you can increase sensitivity such that you can move much faster across the screen with the mouse. I would certainly argue you have a better simulation with the console and controller, but sadly a lot of people just want to rank up and

using this is always said already, if you can’t use a controller for any reason you should be using a pc, period.

Why even play with a mouse? How non-fun is that!

But there is no justification for space travel.

And that said arm’s deals were 100% supported by the GOP.

Yeah it’s so funny, there are literally hundreds of people involved in these deals. They wouldn’t have ever happened because Hillary called the fucking DOD and asked for them.

And our beloved defense contractors (mostly supported by the GOP) are legally permitted to do those deals with all but a handful of countries and the state department can’t do shit to stop them.

“Images in this presentation have been enlarged for illustrative purposes.”

You don’t understand that hate speech isn’t about a conversation.

To be fair, England was the only country in the wrong.

And the GOP.

The only panic is panic over the stupidity of the American populace. There is no evidence of wrongdoing...not a single shred.

Funny thing is there isn’t a snowball’s chance in hell Hillary could have influenced those weapons deals. In fact, she couldn’t have stopped them if she wanted to.

I didn’t see Bouncy Castle which is the correct response.