
It’s a hell of a drug.

Or eat where you shit.

Sounds like a bukkake in the making...

Not only would it favor the wealthy, it would have to be limited to said uber-wealthy (or politically connected).

Clearly he meant the company not just the front-end. Just as clearly, uber just used new technology and an alternative biz model that was somewhat inevitable. Also clear is that there is a gap in regulations as applied to the on-demand economy. The gap will be closed, and this will make on-demand companies somewhat

As a message to empowered (wealthy) young people, it makes sense. For the rest of us it is completely irrelevant. The question is who does he think he is tweeting to?

Now now, I see a pretty even distribution every day on 280.

unless you assume immortality, time is still a factor

The problem with this idea is that you must assume a massive advancement in tech which would likely obviate the need to pursue this project.

He couldn’t Escape fate.

He wasn’t worth jack.

Or cleaning up toxic waste.

that’s not how debt works

$400m isn’t that much...also do you really think Iran can’t already fund whatever terrorism it wants?

If we released money that wasn’t ours for people that are, this is the definition of a good fucking deal. Fuck off right wing trolls.

Please stick to commenting in the Fox News’ forums. We all know which way you lean and anything that even barebly paints Democrats in a good light will be disputed by you. Thanks.

too easy, cat needed to turn away from camera...TROLL HARDER CAT!

Welcome aboard!

given our entire political setup, there will never be space for a third party, those who start or join third party movements are just trying to gain power for themselves at the expense of effecting any real change through participating in the GOP or DEM parties
